
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

10 Challenged Assumptions Discovered Living in Rome

1) The bathroom: Finding the light switch in the bathroom and lever for flushing the toilet is always a game.

2) Dinner:  It is never earlier than 7:30.  It extends the day by an extra 3 hours by having dinner later in the night.  It is an event, not just a meal.

3) Concept of time:  5 minutes means 10.  10 minutes means 20.  20 minutes means 40.

4) Undefined territory:  Rules are suggestions.  Relationships can be undefined.  Parking spots are invented.

5) Paperwork:  Don't hold your breath.

6) Trying to look Italian:  Fuhget'about it.  No matter how hard you try, you will always be spotted as an American.  It's the way we walk and talk.

7) Living in a foreign country:  Everyone is different, yet we are all the same as humans. In fact, life is really the same. Same problems, same pain, some joy.  Not so foreign after all.

8) Age:  Whether you are 18 or 55.  It really doesn't matter. Friendships and relationships can grow regardless of age.

9) Straight Lines:  They don't exist.  Try getting your students to walk single file... no.  Or try getting a group of Italians to board a flight in one line? Nope.  Or try forming ordered lines of cars at a traffic light?

10) Noise:  Loud noise is white noise. Italians are loud. Unless they are eating a good meal or praying in church.